Hey friends! I missed you!! I thought I’d give a quick June recap.
June is objectively the best month. Why? Because it’s my birthday month, duh!
I want to make 30 the best year yet—get out more, experience life more, take care of myself more. Above all, 30 is going to be a year full of writing. And fun. And being hot. And making my brain (and body) more flexible….*wink.* I’m already dirty and flirty, but I’m also QWERTY 30! (like the keyboard…because I want to write/post more…get it? Do you guys get it? It’s a joke.)
My birthday was last week! I had a really understated bday, because it happened to fall on the day I had to move (again.) UGH; I had to get all sweaty and lift things when I should’ve been wearing a tiara and drinking fruity cocktails… but I’m really relieved I got my moving done, and I got a good workout (because of all the walking around and lifting things. Like, so much.)
That evening, my best friend made me dinner and the yummiest lemon cake!! The icing was homemade and it was SO. GOOD. Then we played World of Warcraft and binge-watched shows.
WoW, that’s a lot of gaming
I’ve been playing a fuck-ton of World of Warcraft again lately. I mainly play the Wrath of the Lich King (“classic”) version, which I prefer.
My main character is a Night Elf hunter with a pinkish-purple pet raptor named Sparky.
We’re in the midst of the Midsummer Fire Festival in the game, so I’ve been doing some fun little seasonal extras, like pole dancing for increased XP. Kinda like in real life.
School’s Out for the Summer
…Well, not technically (I’m taking one class this summer), but I’ve decided to slow down my college plans. I basically fucked my GPA (by not completing incompletes) and dropped a ton of classes (as I mentioned: stressful year). I’m just really burnt out in the studying department. I’ve thought a lot about the situation and talked it over with several trusted people, and I’ve decided to have a little semi-break. I’m going to go back to work but take classes part-time and, well…I’ll finish when I finish.
Moving, AGAIN
As I mentioned, I moved yet again. I’ve moved four times in less than four years, and I can’t even begin to express how much it sucks to move that often. I’m trying to frame it as a positive, though; focus more on how each move is a fresh start with new things to learn and experience.
Woman Overboard
(Ok, this didn’t happen in June, but in May—whatever.)
I’ve been getting into more outdoorsy stuff lately, like hiking, and playing in/on the water. Now, I’m not the most coordinated person, which led to a…nautical incident last month where I lost balance and went under.
Some people become more alert and focused when they plunge into freezing water; sharper mentally so they can quickly get out of whatever dire situation they might be in. And then there’s people like me, whose minds go blank and they suddenly forget every basic survival instinct (“I’m supposed to be doing something right now…swim? What is ‘swim?’”)
Eventually the panic set in and I spluttered about, doggy-paddling to the dock, scrambling to get out but slipping until two people hauled my flailing ass out of the water. There I am soaked, literally missing a sock, shaking like I just escaped from a school of shrieking eels. And my glasses were gone (the ONE DAY I didn’t wear contacts.) It was pretty pathetic.
Was I embarrassed? Yes.
Am I going to get back on the water again? Also yes.
Backups of Backups
After my narrow escape from the river monsters, I luckily had an older pair of glasses to use as a backup. Days later, I lost (and subsequently stepped on) them.
After digging through my drawers, I found another pair of older glasses that I’d been meaning to donate…for two years. I guess this is one of those times forgetfulness is a virtue.
Guess what? I lost those glasses under a blanket and sat on them. I think I managed to bend them mostly back into place, but they might be a little askew. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that notices, though.
Or maybe I should exclusively wear contacts for a while.
Happy birthday, Erika 🎉🍰, many happy returns🥂🍻. Thanks for the update.
Do you just play Alliance or Horde as well?